Why we should use SCSS?

Sonjoy Chandra Barman
4 min readDec 17, 2022


  1. SCSS allows for nested rules, which can help improve the readability and organization of styles.
Here is an example of nested rules in SCSS

2. SCSS has variables, which can be used to store values that are repeated throughout the stylesheet, making it easier to maintain and update the styles.

Here is an example of using variables in SCSS

3. SCSS has mixins, which allow you to define reusable blocks of styles that can be included in multiple places in the stylesheet.

Here is an example of how you can define and use a mixin in SCSS

4. SCSS has functions, which can be used to perform calculations and return values that can be used in styles.

Here is an example of how you can define and use a function in SCSS

5. SCSS has control directives, such as @if and @each, which allows you to apply styles based on certain conditions or to iterate over a list of values.

here’s an example of using the @if directive in SCSS:
Here’s an example of using the @each directive

6. SCSS has partials, which allow you to split your styles into smaller, more manageable files that can be imported into the main stylesheet.

Here’s an example of using partials in SCSS

7. SCSS has imports, which allow you to import external files into your stylesheet, making it easier to manage and reuse styles.

In this example, main.scss is importing four other SCSS files

8. SCSS has the ability to extend styles, which allows you to define a base style and then extend it with additional styles, reducing duplication and improving maintainability.

Here’s an example of how you can use @extend in an SCSS file

9. SCSS has the ability to use placeholder selectors, which can be used to define styles that are only applied when extended by another selector.

Here’s an example of how you can use placeholder selectors in an SCSS file

10. SCSS has the ability to use the @extend the directive, which allows you to apply styles from one selector to another, reducing duplication and improving maintainability.

Here is an example of using the @extend directive in SCSS

11. SCSS allows you to use shorthand notation for defining styles, which can make your stylesheets more concise and easier to read.

Here is an example of using shorthand notation in SCSS

12. SCSS has the ability to use operators, such as +, -, *, and /, to perform calculations in your styles, which can be useful for defining responsive styles.

Here is an example of using operators in SCSS to define responsive styles

13. SCSS has the ability to use the @debug directive, which can be used to print the value of a variable or expression to the console for debugging purposes.

Here’s an example of how @debug can be used in an SCSS file

14. SCSS has the ability to use the @warn directive, which can be used to print a warning message to the console for debugging purposes.

Here’s an example of how @warn can be used in an SCSS file

15. SCSS has a large and active community of users, which means there are many resources and tools available to help you get started with using SCSS in your projects.

Here are a few examples of resources and tools that can be helpful when working with SCSS:

  1. Documentation: The official SCSS documentation is a great place to learn about the various features and syntax of SCSS. It includes detailed explanations and examples of how to use SCSS variables, mixins, functions, and more.
  2. Tutorials: There are many online tutorials and guides that can help you learn how to use SCSS. Some popular options include Codecademy, freeCodeCamp, and W3Schools.
  3. Compilers: In order to use SCSS in a project, you will need to compile it into regular CSS. There are many tools available for this purpose, including popular options like Node-sass, Dart-sass, and Koala.
  4. Code Editors: Many code editors have built-in support for SCSS, including features like syntax highlighting, autocomplete, and automatic compilation. Some popular code editors that support SCSS include Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text, and Atom.
  5. Community forums: There are many online forums and communities where you can ask questions, get help, and share your knowledge with other SCSS users. Some popular options include Stack Overflow, Reddit, and the Sass forum.



Sonjoy Chandra Barman

I am excited to continue my career as a full-stack developer and am always looking for new challenges and opportunities to grow and learn.