Progressive Web Apps(PWA) and Next Js

Sonjoy Chandra Barman
3 min readJan 27, 2023


Progressive Web Apps(PWA) and Next Js

What is PWA?

PWA stands for Progressive Web App. It is a type of web application that can be accessed through a web browser, but it also has many of the features and functionality of a traditional native mobile app. PWAs can be installed on a user’s device, work offline, and can receive push notifications. They are designed to provide a seamless user experience across different platforms and devices.

Why should you use PWA?

There are several reasons why you might choose to use a PWA:

  1. Improved performance: PWAs can load quickly and work offline, providing a better user experience than traditional web pages.
  2. Offline functionality: PWAs can work offline, providing users with access to content and functionality even when they don’t have a network connection.
  3. Cross-platform compatibility: PWAs can be accessed through a web browser on any device, making them a cost-effective solution for reaching a wide range of users.
  4. App-like experience: PWAs can be installed on a user’s device and offer an app-like experience, including push notifications and the ability to work offline.
  5. Easier to discover: PWAs can be easily discoverable via search engines and can be shared via URLs, which makes them easier for users to find and access.
  6. Cost-effective: PWAs are cheaper to develop and maintain than native apps, which can save money for businesses.
  7. Improved conversion rates: PWAs can increase conversion rates by providing a better user experience and making it easier for users to purchase goods or services.

What if we use PWA with Next Js?

Using PWA with Next.js can provide several benefits for your web application:

  1. Improved performance: Next.js is a framework that allows for server-rendered React applications, which can help improve the performance of your PWA by pre-rendering pages on the server before they are delivered to the client.
  2. Offline functionality: Next.js has built-in support for service workers, which can be used to create offline functionality for your PWA.
  3. Easy to implement: Next.js has a built-in PWA support, which makes it easy to set up a PWA with minimal configuration.
  4. Code splitting: Next.js allows for code splitting, which can make your PWA more efficient by only loading the code that is needed for each page.
  5. Easy to maintain: Next.js applications are easy to maintain since it offers a consistent structure for your code, which helps to keep your application organized and easy to scale.
  6. Server-side rendering: Next.js allows you to server-side render your pages which makes your PWA faster and more reliable.
  7. SEO friendly: Next.js can help improve the SEO of your PWA by rendering pages on the server, which allows search engines to easily crawl and index your content.
  8. Community support: Next.js has a large and active community, which means that there is a wealth of resources and support available to help you build and maintain your PWA.



Sonjoy Chandra Barman

I am excited to continue my career as a full-stack developer and am always looking for new challenges and opportunities to grow and learn.